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Amber Rail Freight Corridor

Amber Rail Freight Corridor Overview
The following information was compiled exclusively based on information regarding Amber Rail Freight Corridor available on the official website of the Three Seas Initiative

Report Years: 2018-2024
Year Registered: 2018
Type: Transport
Status: Completed
Proposing 3SI Country: Poland
Participating 3SI Countries: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia
Partner Countries: Not part of the 3Seas Initiative

Main Objectives:
Facilitate cross-border rail freight traffic.

Short Description:
The Amber Rail Freight Corridor connects Adriatic seaports in Slovenia with inland ports on the Danube in Hungary and Slovakia. It aims to enhance rail transport with Serbia and improve rail connectivity between Europe and Asia. Rail Freight Corridors offer capacity and should not be mistaken for infrastructure projects.

Calendar of Implementation:

  • 2016-2017 (Planning): Routing planned and agreed between infrastructure managers.
  • 2017-2019 (Construction): Agreement signed, EU funding secured, management structures created, and various studies conducted.
  • 2019+ (Completed): Corridor operational, timetables published annually, continuous cooperation for efficiency and new solutions.

Funding (2021-2024):
Total: €461,276

  • Sources: CEF, National funding, other EU funding, EIB.
  • Funding: Lump sum A paid in 2022; any differences covered by Member States per Cost Sharing Agreement.

EU Priorities and Policies Compliance:
Established based on Commission Implementing Decision (EU) No. 2017/177 and relevant TEN-T and CEF regulations.

Regional Relevance:
Supports environmentally friendly rail freight transport, reduces state subsidies, promotes investment, ensures non-discriminatory access, and improves service quality and availability, contributing to the Single European Railway Area.

Innovative, Safe, and Sustainable Technologies:
Participates in developing innovative IT tools for rail traffic management, such as the Customer Information Platform. RFCs identify bottlenecks and modernization needs, aiding infrastructure improvements.

Future Projects:
Involvement in multi-corridor projects, including the update of the Transport Market Study, focusing on improving Europe-Asia rail freight transport and modern technology use.

Entities Involved:
Ministries of transport, allocation bodies, and railway infrastructure managers.

Calendar of Reports:

  • 2018: Project initiation and planning.
  • 2019: Agreement signing and securing of EU funding.
  • 2020-2021: Operationalization and publication of timetables.
  • 2022: Full operational status with continuous improvements.
  • 2023-2024: Ongoing operation, efficiency improvements, and new solution implementations.


Map project: Jędrzej Błaszczak

Graphics: Marcin Wereszczyński