Institutions involved in the Three Seas Initiative research (as of 2025)

Leading centers

The Three Seas Initiative Research Center – project at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ISP PAN)

This project is funded by the Science for Society programme (Nauka dla społeczeństwa) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland. The aim of the project is to establish a research centre that will bring together social science researchers working on issues related to the Three Seas Initiative and cooperation in the Three Seas area. The establishment of the Centre is expected to lead to the development of scientific and professional cooperation. The Centre will serve to popularise and develop scientific knowledge and research on the initiative and will be the basis of an international cooperation network linking research actors with each other and with socio-economic actors. The research will cover the economic, political and social dimensions with a focus on energy, infrastructure and digital cooperation, as well as regional security and social policy issues. The Center’s research is conducted at two levels of analysis: the state level and the international system level.

The Three Seas Universities Network

This project, to which the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin as its initiator has invited universities from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary (also Ukraine), among others, is to be a tool for establishing and conducting regular contacts and undertaking joint research and implementation of innovations in the quality of education. The initiative’s main goals are strengthening the cooperation between European universities, intensifying international exchanges, expanding research that should lead to prestigious publications, important projects, and obtaining European grants.

Institute of Central Europe (Instytut Europy Środkowej)

The Institute has been functioning as a state legal entity in Lublin, Poland, since 2018. The Institute’s activities are related to research on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (excluding Russia) in political, economic, and social aspects and the relations of the countries of this region with Poland. The Institute publishes the results of research and analysis in the form of “IEŚ Commentaries”, the series “IEŚ Papers”, and “IEŚ Policy Papers”. It also publishes monographs on both the history and contemporary situation of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the journal “Yearbook of the Institute of Central and Eastern Europe”. The Institute’s mission is to provide substantive support for Polish foreign policy.

Centre for Eastern Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, OSW)

Centre for Eastern Studies is a Polish state-owned entity established in 1990 to provide analysis and monitoring of the current political, economic and social situation in the countries of Central, Northern and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia and China. The main tasks of the Centre are to prepare analyses and expert opinions for the public authorities of the Republic of Poland, to inspire and conduct research, to disseminate knowledge on the current state and changes of the political, social and economic situation,, and to promote the Polish and economic situation, as well as promoting Polish analytical thinking abroad. OSW’s activities are entirely financed from public funds.

Trimarium (Trójmorze)

Trimarium is a medium for describing and analysing the most important phenomena, events and processes in the Three Seas region. The portal’s creators are convinced that “it is the reason de state of all the countries of the Three Seas Initiative to deepen mutual trust, cooperation and friendship”. The portal operates under the framework of the “Trójmorze” Association, of which the president is Grzegorz Górny.

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, PISM)

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) is one of the most important think tanks in the Central and Eastern European region. Situated between the worlds of politics and analysis, PISM provides support to Polish decision-makers and diplomats. The backbone of PISM is the Research and Analysis Office, which carries out analyses, expert opinions, and foresight studies both on its own initiative and commissioned by public authorities. PISM researches Polish foreign policy, European integration, transatlantic relations, international security and the economy.

Jagiellonian Institute (Instytut Jagielloński)

An independent analytical center, a center for exchanging views and building strategies. Since 2005, the Jagiellonian Institute has been conducting analytical, research, consulting, and communication work.

The Institute of New Europe (Instytut Nowej Europy)

The Institute of New Europe is a Polish research centre (think tank) providing analytical services in the field of international politics, economy, security and new technologies, with particular focus on the process of European integration and Poland’s role in this process. The Institute’s mission is to provide a substantive basis for and to animate discussions on the future of Europe in a changing world about the future of Europe in a changing world order and global technological race; to strengthen and improve national and EU institutions; and to influence the shape and direction of Polish European and foreign policy.

Opportunity Institute for Foreign Affairs

The Foundation is an independent non-profit research centre. The Institute’s research scope broadly covers international relations, politics, and international security, as well as multidimensional economic cooperation. The Institute’s specific research area includes the region of Central and Eastern Europe extended by the countries of the Three Seas Initiative. The Institute’s priority tasks are to prepare in-depth analyses describing and explaining international events, to identify and identify upcoming international policy trends, to prepare recommendations for the state and private sector based on analyses and trends, with a particular focus on the political, economic, social and broadly defined security context.


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