We take great pride in contributing to the organization of this unique scientific event, which promotes cooperation among the Three Seas Initiative countries for the second time in a row.
Our collaboration with the advisor to the president of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, Professor Jolanta Urbanovič, Dr. Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska, and Dr. Agata Włodarska from the University of Łódź was essential in successfully organizing an international scientific conference in Vilnius during the summit of 3SI states.
We are grateful to Professor Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski for enhancing our study visits and events with his expertise.
Our sincere appreciation goes to the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (lt. Lietuvos mokslų akademija) for graciously hosting scientists from the Three Seas Initiative states. Special thanks to Prof. Jūras Banys, and regarding organizational matters, we would like to thank Dr. Andrius Bernotas for leading the coordination of the entire project.
Thank-you letter from the Chancellery of the President of Lithuania