The Three Seas Initiative Research Center project was carried out at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences from September 2022 to February 2025 by a team of researchers led by Prof. Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek. The project received funding from the “Science for Society” program of the Ministry of Education and Science/Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The core project team consisted of the Project Leader, Prof. Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek, and Project Investigators: Jędrzej Błaszczak and Julia Dobrowolska. In addition, numerous Polish and foreign researchers, experts, entrepreneurs, journalists, and representatives of other environments were involved in implementing the project tasks (more information in the ‘News’ tab and on the project’s FB profile).
The project ended as planned with the implementation of the scheduled tasks. Most of the project’s results are permanent, meaning they will be available after the project ends. We encourage you to read detailed information about the work carried out under the project.
More information about the project:
The Three Seas Initiative Research Center project aimed to develop scientific research and promote knowledge about the cooperation of thirteen EU member states situated between three seas: the Baltic, the Adriatic and the Black Sea.
The Three Seas Initiative was launched in 2016 in Dubrovnik at the presidential summit. It currently includes thirteen countries belonging to the European Union. Its main goals include economic strengthening of the region through the development of infrastructure in transport, energy, and digitalization, as well as strengthening the cohesion of the EU and transatlantic ties. The strategic partners of the Three Seas Initiative are the United States, Germany, Japan, and the European Commission. Ukraine and Moldova have the status of associate partners since 2023.
The Three Seas Initiative is an ambitious project of strategic importance. It has become an impulse for development in Central Europe. Currently, this cooperation is developing mainly in the political and economic spheres. The establishment of the Research Center contributed to increasing the importance of the scientific dimension and cooperation at the expert level.
The main goals of the Research Center included popularising scientific knowledge on regional cooperation and developing scientific research on the Three Seas Initiative. We also supported the development of international cooperation between research entities and entities operating in the socio-economic sphere in the Three Seas region.
The Three Seas Initiative Research Center project was carried out at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1990. The Institute brings together leading Polish political scientists, historians, and sociologists. It is an important center on the map of Polish research on politics and modern history. The mission of the Institute is to conduct interdisciplinary studies on social and political changes in the 20th and 21st centuries, with particular emphasis on East-West relations.
Authors: The Three Seas Initiative Research Center Team.